Top charts
Natal Chart
An astrology natal chart, also known as a birth chart, is a map where you can see life’s challenges or opportunities. Casted from the exact moment you were born, a birth chart reveals your personality, strengths, and career potential.
Solar Return
A solar return chart, also known as a birthday chart, is a refined close up map of the current time, as of your birth day. The Sun goes back to the original degree in your natal chart every year, delivering new energetic potential to work with.
Progressed Chart
A progressed chart, calculated by 1 year per solar degree from the original natal sun degree, can show a broad perspective of the story of your life and how you have grown into the energy you were first born with until now.
Astrology language-translated.
Do you know your Moon sign? What about your Rising?
Astrology has a multitude of charts that can be casted to give us a detailed outlook on the way we want to carry out the plans for our lives, relationships and careers. We cast these charts by gathering a few necessary details from your birth certificate; such as birth date, time, & location. These details can give us a look at the way the sky looked the moment you were born, showing us what constellation was rising on the east, from your location of birth. The constellation rising on the east is know as your rising sign-or ascendant, which sets the map of your life, making it the most important placement in your natal chart.
Each planet in our known solar system gives us an energy that changes with each chart -or person- giving everyone a unique mixture of “flavors”. We all have the 12 signs of astrology in our chart, but the signs that come alive for each individual chart are activated with the angular points or with the planets that land within the sign’s constellation.
This planetary activation is how we find what makes us relate to one another.
To find out how compatible you are with another person, you would need a synastry chart.
When you book a chart reading, you will understand how to read your birth chart properly, as we dig into your chart, house by house—breaking down what energies or planets are found in each of them. Together we will create a growth plan that makes sense for your goals, custom-tailored to your astrological energy signature.
You will see your life transform before your eyes.
The chart readings offered at JVBG333 provide you with the resources needed to understand your Saturn Return (occurring every 28-30 years), how to read a personal horoscope (use your rising sign and transiting chart), and the intricate reasons for sign compatibility in Synastry and Composite charts.
Solar Return Charts are immensely useful each birthdate, like a time map for the year.
Side by side, you can see the natal chart of the USA & my own.
See if you can spot the differences!
(Start with the rising sign or “AC”, then the Sun, Moon & Mars signs, then look at the aspect patterns. Every chart tells a different story)
In this example, we can see how the chart of the US (left) has a Sagittarius Rising, Sun in Cancer, Moon in Aquarius, Mercury in Cancer, Venus in Cancer, Mars in Gemini, Jupiter in Cancer, Saturn in Libra, Uranus in Gemini, Neptune in Virgo, Pluto in Capricorn, True Node in Leo, and Chiron in Aries.
We can see that this chart has the following placements by elements:
1 Cardinal Fire, 2 Air Cardinal, 1 Earth Cardinal, 4 Water Cardinal,
1 Fire Fixed, 1 Air Fixed
1 Fire Mutable, 2 Air Mutable, 1 Earth Mutable
My natal chart shows a Gemini Rising, Sun in Libra, Moon in Sagittarius, Mercury in Libra, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Cancer, Jupiter in Virgo, Saturn in Aquarius, Uranus in Capricorn, Neptune in Capricorn, Pluto in Scorpio, True Node in Sagittarius, and Chiron in Leo.
We can see that this chart has the following placements by elements:
2 Air Cardinals, 2 Earth Cardinals, 1 Water Cardinal
1 Fire Fixed, 2 Air Fixed, 2 Water Fixed
2 Fire Mutable, 1 Air Mutable, 1 Earth Mutable
Each chart has it’s own energetic signature. While the chart of the US has more Cardinal Water energy (Cancer), they both have a strong hold in the cardinal modalities, though in different elemental expressions.
Natal • Synastry • Progressed • Transit •
Let’s move on to a relationship chart..
Synastry Chart
We cast a synastry chart when we have multiple charts to analyze, together.
In a synastry chart, we are able to look at the blend of two charts, with a simple overlay. Keeping with our examples from above, the natal chart of the USA and my natal chart, this synastry chart shows the US natal as the primary chart and my natal as the secondary chart.
According to the house placements for the primary chart casted, we see two sets of planets laid on the chart. Primary inside and secondary outside.
In this example you can see that my Sagittarius Moon sits in the US’s 12H, even if the rising sign of the USA is Sagittarius. This is because my moon sits in Sagittarius 9 degrees, while the rising for the USA is 12 degrees.
As we have opposing ascendant signs, you can see Gemini sitting at the cusp of the 7H, but you see the initials AC, for my ascendant, sitting in the 6H of the USA.
Above, we looked at the natal placements of both charts. In this chart, we see how they all fall into the 12 constellations individually and how they connect with one another.
We are able to see that the lines in the aspects look different than the lines for the aspects in the original natal chart of the USA. This is because in this new Synastry chart, the aspected lines trace the contact between my natal placements and the natal placements of the USA.
What is Reiki?
Reiki is a non invasive Japanese modality of energetic healing. As a Certified Reiki II practitioner, I am able to access the energetic field through time and space, which allows me to deposit positive vibrations through long distance, which includes moments in the past, bringing soul pieces back to your auric field.
Reiki is based on 5 underlying principles:
Just for Today…
I will be grateful
I will not worry
I will not anger
I will be kind
to all living thingsI will do my work honestly
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You can also find me streaming Live on Twitch here , where I decipher current U.S. transit charts, relevant pop artists for a guided understanding on placements, or Twitch users’ charts, for free!
The aim is to teach my followers something new each stream! :D